Global Coverage
Continent | Total Visits |
Asia | 39.01% |
Americas | 31.77% |
Europe | 23.00% |
Africa | 3.24% |
Oceania | 3.07% |
Industrial automation has had its watershed moment and now the robotics industry is going through its heyday. Robotics companies are reaping the rewards of accessible contract manufacturing, greater prevalence of open-source code, reduced cost components, plus a growing acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI) and mobile robotics in all walks of life. But how do manufacturers market their robotics as a service effectively?
Industrial robots are revolutionising critical tasks from factories to warehouses, while innovative proof-of-concepts like Boston Dynamics robots accrue enormous attention on social media. Whether your purpose-built system has highly specific market applicability, or is more of a demonstration of feasibility, it will still require significant sales and marketing consideration to maximise lead generation.
AZoRobotics is one of the world's foremost digital platforms dedicated to sharing the latest stories in automation, from collaborative robotics through to revolutionary new humanoid robots. We create, curate, and distribute high-quality content to a dedicated readership of academics, manufacturing professionals, and researchers from around the globe.
We can help you with a suite of marketing processes, helping you to prove the viability of your concept, and to scale-up your critical marketing tasks.
Visits sourced from Google Analytics, yearly average from Jan to Dec. Readership based on sample of subscribers.