We also got a sneak-peak into some of the features for both exhibitors and attendees that will be on show during Pittcon 2021.
The mix of on-demand vs. live content was also discussed. We learned that all content will be available on-demand but there will still be plenty of room for real-time engagements through live Q&As and chats. We're also excited to hear that the event content will be available for 3 months post-event.
Take a Trip Down Memory Lane
The slide deck below shows the journey from our last three years at Pittcon from Philadelphia to Chicago and now virtually, down in New Orleans! Check out who else is attending and see if you can spot any familiar faces...
Using Content to Leverage Virtual Events
We were also fortunate to be joined by Rocco Pacella, Marketing and Communications Manager at Pittcon, during a recent webinar on 'Using Content to Leverage Virtual Events'.
Watch the clip below for more on the ROI of using virtual event platforms and about some of the ways the virtual booth can help exhibitors effectively track leads.
Behind the Scenes: Building our Virtual Booth
We've been hard at work on building out our virtual booth - be sure to visit our virtual booth in Hall #13!
We thought a lot about the type of content and format that would be the most appealing for attendees. You can check out a video preview of our booth below!
There's tons of content to engage with:
We wanted to take advantage of as many features in the virtual event platform as we could! From the creation of the welcome video below to the personalized avatars of our staff, we're trying to get as much out of this virtual event as possible!
Why should you stop by the AZoNetwork booth?
We're offering a FREE SEO Health Check for anyone who stops by the booth!
Giveaways! We have a special giveaway for anyone who stops by and uses the chat function at our booth! See below:

Download Marketing Service Package Flyer
Take our 1 minute Marketing Science Survey - participate for a chance to win 1 of 3 $50 Amazon Giftcards!
Representatives from the AZoNetwork team will be on the booth and ready to chat throughout the event! We love to talk about all things science marketing. Drop by for a chat anytime!
We hope to see you at Pittcon 2021 on March 8 - 12!
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