Sharing Science Visually
A great infographic can rapidly bridge the gap between a radical electron and a burned bagel. It can make intangible facts abruptly real. It could even distil an 800-year timeline of academic achievements into a narrative compelling enough to digest in a single sitting. But what makes infographics so engaging?
Infographics are unique pieces of content that integrate data, imagery, and text into a cohesive unit. Users in the digital age are accustomed to instantaneous data access, and spend less time considering the value of content that does not immediately arrest their attention. Instead, they tend to scan the headlines and graphics of content blocks to determine whether it is worth reading in full. Infographics are an artful antidote to this problem.
History of Science in Cambridge Infographic
What Do Infographics Do?
Infographics are designed to convey crucial information in the most attractive way possible, displaying data patterns, product information, and conclusions with color and character, instead of submerging them in plain text – they are the picture books of content marketing.
Ask about Infographic projects
This effective compression of information and multimedia makes content inherently more shareable, driving website traffic and user-brand engagement, and creating opportunities for back-linking which will improve a site’s SEO rankings.
The History of Science in Oxford Infographic
Infographics also expand the radius of a site’s visibility to search engines, allowing blog posts or site pages to be discovered through both a search engine’s text search and its image search, creating new channels of web traffic.
There is a proven demand for informative and engaging infographics, with enormous potential for limitless marketing campaigns to target customers with charming, high-quality content across multiple platforms.
Data shows that:
Infographics are as much as 3x more likely to be shared on social media than any other form of content;
Search traffic for infographics increased by over 800% in just a two-year period.
Creating Infographics
It is easy to fall in love with the idea of creating an infographic that's going to go viral! However you should always have an end goal in mind as well as answers to these critical questions:
What is the aim of the infographic?
Who is the intended recipient?
Where will it be used?
What data or research is it based on?
Are there any examples or concepts which can be emulated?
Plan your Infographic Project
Infographics can act as an immediate segue into complex subject areas, creating concrete visual narratives from potentially dry or abstract data. They are a simple solution to numerous science marketing challenges, simultaneously illuminating areas of interest, driving brand awareness, increasing web traffic, and improving product knowledge.
AZoNetwork have provided select infographics for clients, including:
Seeing the Unseen: Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance to Detect Free Radicals;
Buyer Beeware: The Buzz Around Fake Honey;
If you have an interesting data set that you would like to convey visually, drop us a line and our creative team will be happy to discuss further!